Endorse Walt Borton

Walt Borton, Democrat for San Miguel County Commission, District 2

If you think Walt Borton would serve San Miguel County Well, add your name & title to our List of Supporters!

The kind of campaign fundraising I believe in is the kind that keeps us connected. Besides – like your tax dollars – your contributions are your money – you deserve to know where it comes from and how it is spent.

  1. I will accept no contribution larger than $25 and will be happy to have $1 too!
  2. I’m only accepting campaign contributions from individuals, and those businesses and organizations which can legally contribute, in San Miguel County.
  3. We will make a list of everyone who contributes and keep it current on this website. You deserve to know who is supporting me. If you can’t support me openly, it’s best that you don’t. I believe transparency in campaign giving & spending is important to good government.
  4. So you know, I’m loaning the campaign a few dollars to get us started, things like the filing fees, the IRS fee, getting the bank account opened and a little printing and website work. If we raise enough to pay me back, soon, that’s great!
  5. The campaign is banking with Guadalupe Credit Union in Las Vegas & the campaign checking account statements will be posted on this site.
  6. The Campaign income and spending reports made to the Secretary of State will also be posted here.
  7. If we have some money left at the end of the campaign – which I hope we will, once all the bills are paid, we will give that money to the Villanueva Community Center, Library & Food Bank.